MTA Open Day

2024 MTA Automotive Careers Day - Join us this year to learn about a career in automotive!

The Training and Employment Centre is hosting its annual Automotive Careers Day from Thursday, August 15th to Friday, August 16th. The event will run from 10 am to 2 pm each day (BBQ lunch included).

Vehicle painting • Vehicle body repair • Vehicle diagnostics • Tyre repair • Diesel engine shutdown Smoke testing for engine leaks • Material hardness testing • Ignition systems ... and more!

The automotive industry has a bright future for young people in South Australia and this is a fantastic opportunity for anyone considering a career in the automotive industry. It will provide students with the chance to explore career pathways and learn more about careers that don’t typically feature on school curriculums or are difficult to find out about.

Visit to register now!

Click here to contact our team about how your business can get involved, or if your local school would like to visit the Training and Employment Centre!

Why should you get involved?

There is still time for members to get involved and we welcome any vehicles or equipment that you can supply for the day.

By giving Careers Day attendees a greater exposure to automotive technology, you will be helping to showcase the industry and help us to ignite a passion for those looking at a career in the industry.

It is imperative that we have as many demonstrations and vehicles as possible to get high school students excited about a career in an automotive trade!